Neluwa Doowili Falls
Doowili Falls is the most famous of the group of falls found in the Sinharaja Forest Reserve. The dust-like spray of the cascading water envelops the area and gave rise to its name ('duli' meaning dust). The fall is 17m in height and 1m wide. The surrounding area has been subject to land fragmentation due to tea plantations, resulting in the depletion of the water table. Locals who litter the ground with polythene bags and glass items cause further environmental problems. In March 2002, a study into the feasibility of using the fall to provide electricity was carried out. It was found that a megawatt (MW) of electricity could be harnessed without endangering the environment. At the Environmental Committee meeting of the Galle District PC, held in mid-2002, it was decided to seek approval to go ahead with the scheme from the authorities and bodies concerned. Further feasibility reports are also being obtained.
The fall is situated near the Sinhavali Tea Factory at the edge of the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, 6km from Neluwa. Take the Pelawatte road from Neluwa for 0.5km and then turn onto the Mawatia-Kosmulla road.